Welcome to the Sphere of influence—the online home of...
Science Fiction &
Fantasy Writer
Mjke Wood is the author of over 30 short stories. His novels include Deep Space Accountant (in the Sphere of Influence series) and Old Man in a Spacesuit (Martian Dreams series). He is a Writers of the Future winner, and was the first winner of the Jim Baen Memorial Contest.

The Martian Dreams Series
Short Fiction published in...
Intergalactic Medicine Show
Writers of the Future XXV
The Best of Baen's Universe II
Abyss and Apex
Murkey Depths
Ray Gun Revival
New Myths
Kasma SF Magazine
The Singularity

News, Announcements, Work in Progress
Another story in Analog
I have another story coming this year in Analog Magazine. This will be my fourth appearance in one of my favourite SF magazines. The story is called Death of an Intelligence. It's been proof-read and is good to go, so I'll post further details as soon as the publication date its confirmed.
SphereWide Travel - A Fourth Sphere of Influence Book
Work is progressing well on a fourth book in the Sphere of Influence Trilogy. So, I guess it won't be a trilogy for much longer, although in this one—working title, SphereWide Travel—there'll be no Elton, Lhiana, Minra or Walther. It will be a stand-alone novel set in the Sphere, all about Theodore Stern, a travel agent who's never travelled.
I always said there would never be a fourth Sphere book. Just goes to show how much I know. When it came down to it, I couldn't stop myself.